Sweet n Sour Chicken

I finished watching the entire Prison Break series last night. Being without cable for the last 2 years has really kept me out of the loop! But probably for the better. Besides, there’s nothing better than show bingeing on Netflix and Hulu. 🙂

Like many Americans, I eat dinner in front of the TV. Good or bad, I just need that mindless stimulation. But not until I have a plate of fresh food in front of me. No Chinese takeout on this TV tray.

I don’t know why but it seems like an impossible task to find really delicious cooked veggies at a restaurant around here. They’re always this gray, shriveled afterthought that you kind of push around your plate so it looks like you ate some. Truthfully, I’ve given up ordering them…which is sad because I really do enjoy them. American cooks just don’t seem to put any care into them.


Let’s get one thing straight. I’m not a professional. I cook for the pure joy of it. I know nothing. I buy premade sauce.


Everything I know about cooking came from Google. I just see it and try it. Sometimes I get lucky.

In all this experimentation, I’ve discovered some things. For example, you can save yourself some valuable counter space and dishes by always preparing your vegetables first. Even if they’re going to need the least time to cook, just get them set first. Then rinse off your cutting board and prepare your meat. It might not seem like a novel idea but realizing this was huge for me.









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